Days This Days ...  

Posted by FiqaFie

This days , really kind of messed up . That and that . Problems flow in non - stop ! Mner x nye Bdk klas lain dgn sesedap hati nye kutuk klas kami ( tapi kate kami x hyper-active ) Of course la kami kan mendengar kate guru ... x bermakna kami SCEHMA ! Eee saje je nk wat org sakit hati ! Exam baru je habis . RAse refresh utk 1 jam pastu kne pikir homework yg cikgu dh sediakan . Aduu pnatnyer ... ni pun bukannyer dh start buat kerja Adesss ....

New Life Chapter 2  

Posted by FiqaFie

Kebanyakan follower bdk2 kelas jd kne tukar bhs . Haha . Kay Sarah and the gang x suke kat gadis E . Sebab die ? Die terlalu cover cun  ! Well , even kawan die yg plg rapat dgn die iaitu gadis I pun kate die tu kekadang hypocrite and terlalu cover2 . Diaorang ber2 tu ad satu buku . Lenih cam buku surat menyurat hehe . Sarah and the gang nk sgt bace buku tu . Jd diaorang pun berjaya mendapatkan buku tu . Dlm buku tu , ade mcm2 kutukan dri gadis E . Gadis I x ckp ape2 sbab gadis I tu pure hearted . SO that's for Thursday 10/3/2011 . Keesokan ari nyew , Friday 11/3/2011 , a boy that we call Asmuie  , tahu yg kitaorang amik buku tu . Maka , die pun 'report' la kat gadis kesukaannyer iaitu gadis E tu . Diaorang ala2 gadoh . Sarah and the gang buat ganas la . Tpi gadis E ni nangis ala2 gadis sopan and lembut . Wahahaha very funny la !!! That day , Sarah pun pulangkan buku tu . Haha bahasa Melayu nk tulis blog ni mmg aku K.O ckit . Hehe ~ 

New Life  

Posted by FiqaFie

Life this days , can be easy can be hard. Can be challenging can be dumb . But , HOMEWORKS ! SCHOOLWORKS ! So damn a lot ! I have no problem with other subjects but Geography ! Is so damn frustrating . It's not the problem with the subject and learning stuff but the teacher ! The teacher is my biggest problem in Geography . She always want everything to be perfect under her orders . That's wrong , this wrong . Urgh ! So frustrating ! Plus , she is such a forgetful person . Can you believe it ? She just mark our books but she give us red chop . But , our work was completed ! Finine ! Amaz ... not amazing but ... can be call amazing la ~ But , she's been such a bitch to us ! Why ? Do you hate us ? Do we really ... sucks ? Please like us better as we want to learn ... 

New Friends  

Posted by FiqaFie

Hye , so , am gonna tell you how my life goin on. I met a girl. Her name is Iza . She's kind and looks pure . She's also cheerful,and sweet and the most important of all , she is my neighbour ! -just found out- Then I met Sarah . She's kinda ... how I should put it. Hurm ... well ... she's extraordinarily THIN and she's cute and she's kinda 'crazy' in the head XD . Plus , I think she cares the most about her friends wahahaha . She's my neighbour to , but I haven't known her past all this year =) Next I met Eira. Her name is NOT ACTUALLY Eira but I don't know why she wants us on calling her that. Sounds so ... 'gedik'. Tee hee hee . After that , I get to know Paa'. She's kinda like Sarah but she's a bit more ... 'normal' . Haha I don't know how to picture it . Then I met several guys . They are kinda fun to talk to . There's one boy here,his name is Adam but I call him Mada and he calls me Haqiffah. After that , there's this boy , his name is Fahmi . He's ... small I guess ? Wahaha ! And he's cute too XD . Well that is when he wears glasses . He's cute XD . Oh I forgot , I also get to know a girl . SHe sat beside me in class . She had beatiful eyes and Fahmi seems to like her XDD ! Wahaha,firstly I thought he's pain in the neck! But as time goes , he's kinda fun to be friend with . So as usual , my voice is a big joke in class . Though they are like that but , they are fun to be friend with hehe =)