Kisah Sedih 2012 .  

Posted by FiqaFie

Yow ... hari ni teramatlah menyedihkan . ALLAH memberikan ujian kepada aku . Walaupun sedih , air mata aku x gugur pun . ALLAH telah menarik kembali handphone , laptop dan Samsung Galaxy Tab aku . Petang tadi , pukul 4 lebih , elektrik rumah aku meletup sebab kesalahan kontraktor yg membetulkan circuit breaker rumah aku . Aku x sempat nk selamatkan harta benda aku . Berasap adapter aku . Aku cume ade 8 jam je nk guna laptop ni . Ni mungkin post terakhir aku kot . Bye .

First Day in School  

Posted by FiqaFie

Dengan ini , aku pn dh selamat kembali bersekolah di SMK Bandar Seri Putra ... kelas aku 3 Baiduri . Tingkat 3 woh , tahun lepas kat ground floor xde la sesusah nk panjat tangga . Cikgu pun byk complaint dorang semput nk panjat tangga . Xpe cikgu , kalau kitaoranng rajin , kitaorang buat jualan air kat kelas . XDD . Ketua kelas as the same as last year , that is Shukri yg berambut pelik . Dh x skema dh . XP . Penolong is the ever garang Farha . X) . Setiausaha aku x kenal sgt . Bendahari is my best-pwend Syifaa !!! Perlantikan die agak pelik ckit hehe . Fahmi yg calonkan die , sampai skarang pn Syifaa majok ngn Fahmi . XD . Then aku x tau cmne tapi aku jadi Ketua Keceriaan while Fahmi Ketua Kebersihan . Seriously cikgu , cikgu dh silap besar besar BESAR ! Sye ni x ceria , Fahmi tu yg ceria ! And then time BM kitaorang kena tulis pasal diri sendiri dn keluarga . Aku main tulis je ape yg aku nk tulis . Xde org tau hal sebenar , hanya aku , keluarga , dn ALLAH sahaja . Ini sahaja lah utk first day school . Esok belajar , then study more than 2 hours , after that tution with Cikgu Nazrin . Home-tutor !

The First Sweet in 2012 !?  

Posted by FiqaFie

Nyahho ! I'm writing again ! It's been a while since I last made sweets . The last sweets I made was the FAILURETruffle I made for SYIFAA . Haha I can remember my lesson with my stuck-up , good for something cousing ADAM . In the end , I gave SYIFAA the thruffle made by ADAM . The first sweets I made today is BON BON CHOCOLATES ! Haha ! But the inside is not a quite surprise though ...
However , the texture is quite smooth so it's quite delicious ! (?)

First Post on the First day of 2012  

Posted by FiqaFie

Akemashita Omedeto ! This is my first post in 2012 !!! It's been a while since I wrote any in my blog , because I've been busy studying . But I can't put all the blame on studying because , I am LAZY to write . XP . Yesterday , ( 31/12.2011 , FRIDAY ) The last day of 2011 , me , IZDIHAR and YASMIN finally gathers together ! It's been a while since we last gathered . Usually , there must be one person missing ! But actually , we are missing someone ... That is our only 'guy'-friend in this neighborhood . Die x mcm lelaki tyme kitaorang first kenal , more ' girly ' I mean . But it's almost been 2 years since I last met him . Yasmin and Izdihar met him quite a while ago . Yesterday , we talk about him . Reminiscing about our past . From the day we met each other until the day we last saw each other . Guess we really miss him , huh ? Uhh , anyway this year I'm a candidate for PMR 2012 ! Thinking about it , makes my blood run cold , XD ! Ok , I guess this is the end . If I feel like writing a new post , I'll write =)

Chaiya !